Reasons to camp in the garden this Spring

23rd Mar 2020

Reasons to camp in the garden this Spring

Reasons to camp in the garden this Spring

Now more than ever, it’s incredibly important to look after yourself. Camping in the garden can be the perfect way for you to enjoy the outdoors while also maintaining your self-isolation and social distancing. As we’re supporting this Spring’s ‘Great Garden Inside or Outside Camp’, we’ve put together some reasons why your next holiday location is in fact in your own back garden.

Clean air

Right now, there’s nothing people are craving more than the clean air of the outdoors. Just one night out in the garden can help to fill up your lungs with oxygen, which can do a world of good for your physical and mental well-being at a time when self-isolation is so prominent.

A peaceful break from the TV screen

Let’s be honest, there’s only so much Netflix you can watch right? Camping in your garden can be the perfect opportunity to switch yourself off from the stressful situation that we’ve found ourselves in. Whether it’s giving yourself a break from the TV, social media or all electronics for one night only, camping in the garden can be a peaceful way of getting away from it all.

See the starry sky

You’ve always had access to one of the greatest views possible, but might not have always had the time to take a look in our busy day-to-day lives. If you can pick a night to go camping in the garden make sure it’s one where there are no clouds in the sky, we promise it’ll be worth it.

It’s cheaper than ever to camp in the garden (especially with Loan & Go)

You might be used to many aspects of your life becoming more and more expensive, but camping is the opposite! With our recently launched rental service, you can now loan products from OLPRO’s award winning range for as little as £35 over the course of 3 days, which is so much cheaper than buying one and having to store it in the garage all year round. Not only that, imagine the amount of money you’ll be saving on hotel rooms, booked flights and even petrol money… hmmm, we’re starting to think that camping in the garden is the future!

So, why not be a part of a HUGE community event...

The OLPRO team are helping to promote ‘The Great Garden Inside or Outside Camp’, taking place on 10th, 11th and 12th April 2020. The group was started to help give people a positive activity to look forward to, just like a normal holiday amidst all the chaos and uncertainty that we find ourselves in today.

We’re sure that the event will help people to enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment and will help to lift people’s spirits. To view the event on facebook, visit the group page here.